10 things that make me happy.
thanks meemer, for the tag. "if you get tagged, you have to list 10 things that make you happy. what are the things that tickle your fancy, make you smile or still give you that butterfly sensation? what things do you seek out and truly enjoy? the only rule is that you can't say your kids or your spouse...it's too easy."
it's pretty busy at work now so this will be short. (i typically blog on the bus/train or at lunch...) plus i don't even want to try to prioritize this, so i'm just listing 10 of the many things that make me happy, in random order.
pizza from the pizza place
kid-free time with meemer
days off work
meemer's homemade chili
lego star wars 2
being in nature (our yellowstone trip totally revived this passion)
i don't know anyone who hasn't already been tagged, and don't want to tag a stranger, so if you read this, have a blog, and haven't done this post, consider yourself tagged! everyone can use a review of the good things in life!
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