Wednesday, January 16, 2008

the good, the bad, and the boring

the good news is: i got our treadmill working again! this is good, since our basement stays around 60º even when its 7º outside. which it has been far too often lately. yes, i've done some cold weather running outside. i think the mid teens was as cold as i have dared. it's so much nicer to run in shorts than in many layers. nicer to breathe normally, instead of having cold air sear your throat, or the uncomfortable build-up of sweat and condensation in my balaclava. it's also cheaper and closer than the local community center. plus next time it snows (or rains), i won't miss a run.

the bad news is: i got our treadmill working again. while i still don't consider myself a "real" runner, i have been spoiled by running outside for so long. we live in a great little town that is basically flat, with fairly quiet neighborhoods, and miles of paved trails. the trails and many of the back roads are quite scenic, and i really enjoy it. the treadmill is dreadfully dull! i have nothing to look at, other than toys strewn around our unfinished basement. even the 1/10 mile track at the community center was more interesting... at least next time it snows (or rains), i won't miss a run!

boring! time drags, no matter how fast you run. the farther you run, the longer it drags. i know it will just take some getting used to. when i first started running regularly, i did it all on the treadmill. it was still boring, but not as bad as it is, now that i know the difference. i should put a little tv in front of the treadmill! i even thought briefly about a wireless controller for the gamecube, but figured i'd kill myself.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Meemer said...

wireless controller for gamecube? dude, your crazy!

funny how we blogged the same

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Kelsey-boo said...

i laugh at the controller thing. yeah i can see your problem wish you luck on solving it.


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