Saturday, August 05, 2006

dum, dum-dum, dum, dumb!

what a great day! this is what saturdays are supposed to be! if only they could be...

we got stuff done, don't fret. i slept in a minute or two. (big c was up earlier than anyone else wanted to be). i got up, fed the boys, and headed outside before it got too hot. i fired up the weed-eater, and edged the shaggy lawn, then i mowed it. on days like today, i don't mind having a smaller backyard! it was really long back there. it looks so much better!

anyway, on to the fun... meemer had a fabulous idea, so we went to the beach today!

i know, you're thinking, "wait a sec, big d and fam are in utah... they don't have beaches. i guess some of the shoreline of the great salt lake resembles a beach, but the bugs, and the smell!!! not the beach!"

well, don't get so hoity-toity! what else do you call the big sandy thing on the edge of a large body of water? especially when talking to a 3 and 6 year-old?

it's even less like a real beach because we didn't even go to the great inland sea which gives our capital city its name. we went to a resevoir in the mountains. we spent over 4 hours at pineview (aka slimeview) up ogden canyon. while not the ocean, it had a beach which provided all three of us boys with plenty of sand castles and moats, and dams and ponds! it had water to swim and bob on tubes! it even had waves! (provided by the myriad of boats pulling people on skis, and tubes).

it was a gorgeous day! bright blue sky, a few puffy white clouds over the mountains, temps in the high 80's, maybe low 90's! the water varied from cold to quite warm, (being churned up by all the boats). the mountains around the lake were still green and beautiful. it was wonderful!

so let's get to the "dumb" part(s).

our first big mistake... we left the cameras home. there wouldn't be any of us, since even though meemer is beautiful and looks great in a swim suit (you'd never know she was 14 weeks pregnant!) she is a bit self-conscious, and i myself was on the look-out for captain ahab! but the boys, are another story. besides being cute and having perfect, tan little bodies, they were doing some of the most adorable things. playing in the castle moat, being partially burried in the sand, bobbing on the waves in their little floaty-tubes, etc. a lot of fun!!!

secondly, my current color. let me remind you, not only was it over 4 hours, but it was about 12:30 to 4:30. the hottest part of the day. bearing in mind the conditions i mentioned, it felt great! it didn't feel "hot." between sunscreen and the fact that the boys have meemer's beautiful skin, they did just fine. as for me... i still have my farmer tan, except now what was pasty white is now lobster red. you'd think i'd learn... i seem to do this a couple of times every year.

now, however, (after solarcaine and ibuprofen) i can sit hear and remember all the fun, and post my mistakes. we'll see what tomorrow brings...

all-in-all, it was a perfect day! a great break from the routine, and definitely something "fun" the boys have been wanting!

thanks meemer!


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Meemer said...

do you still hurt??


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