Thursday, May 18, 2006

hippie power!

ok, you've caught me. i do watch tv. i even watch some reality tv. i quite enjoy the amazing race!

have you every considered what a task it would be to put that show together? think about it. in the beginning, you have at least 12 cameras and camera operators. while that decreases as teams are eliminated, there are still hours and hours of unused footage. i give props to the editing team on this one. i can't imagine the time and effort it takes to go through hundreds of hours of tape to distill the forty-some-odd minutes that are broadcast!

what about the crew that put together all the pit stops, and interviews? what about the team that makes all the logistical arrangements for each road-block, detour, and fast forward? my point is, it is a tremendous undertaking, and there is a ton of hard work that most people never even imagine.

i'm not saying they need the recognition. the anonymity is part of the role they play. i am saying, that "reality tv" is still carefully crafted, and to some extent, scripted. think about it. they choose teams based on colorful personalities, and the possibility of conflict. that unseemly base of "drama" that, despite our denials, draws us to reality tv.

i suspect that many of the challenges are designed to favor certain teams. i suspect that the tv cameras are more influential than pleading teams, in getting people on full flights. and i'm certain that the tireless team of editors carefully selects their clips to shape public opinion of teams, and even lead us all to cheer for the winners. (they know who won before the first episode hits the air!)

look closely. would michelle be that happy, and continue to stick with lake if he was really the ornery redneck the selective editing portrayed his to be? could mojo really be as disfunctional as they seemed all season, and then be so tender and mutually supportive when they were eliminated? how else could the ray and yolanda be so in love when it seemed they bickered through most events? how else could the frat boys seem so straight?

and the hippies. are they really that carefree and happy? were they really enjoying themselves regardless of their place in the standings, or struggles during tasks? are there piles of footage on the cutting room floor of them arguing, plotting, and being mean or deceptive to other teams?

does it matter?

my point is, whether the amazing race is "reality tv" or just a carefully crafted competition with real people, this was a good season. beyond the eye-opening glimpses we get into other lands and cultures. beyond the tasks that we all wanted to try, or avoid at all costs, but were so much fun to watch. beyond the teams we loved, or hated. (or were led to love or hate by editing.) this glorified game-show had a message.

yes, a message. i hope it was on purpose. and given "the amazing race family edition," i like to think it was intentional. simply, enjoy the moment, enjoy the opportunities, and enjoy the people you have chosen to "race" with.

crafted, fixed, fake, or not, we wanted the hippies to win, and they did. we were on the edge of our seats until they fulfilled our hopes. why? the hippies were excited with each destination. they were thrilled to participate in the tasks, and they had fun together, and encouraged each other. by and large they were nice to the other teams, (at least until the toward the end, and even then they weren't bitter or spiteful).

in the end, whether we saw things as they naturally happened, or our opinions truly were shaped by the creators of the show, it was a good finish. real or fake, we shared in the wonders of our world, the bonds of love and friendship that lifted teams above the struggles, and even after there was frustration, there was love and support.

with any luck, the collective "we" have been encouraged to: (1) be more giving and supportive, (at least to our loved ones), (2) to see the beauty and wonder in the world and people around us, (especially our loved ones), (3) are motivated to get off the couch, or our of the house and try new things, and above all, (4) try to enjoy the moment.

if such is the case, ttow!


At 10:06 PM, Blogger Meemer said...

I knew you loved it!

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Stacy said...

I was SO happy with the way the show played out! (could you understand the Japanese?)



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