Friday, November 02, 2007

halloween = puking?

our harry has a pretty poor average on halloween. he has now been sick 4 of his 7 halloweens. when i say sick, i don't mean a little cough or runny nose, i mean violently puking every 15-70 minutes all day long.

we thought since he was off track this year, he'd have a better shot. unfortunately, his little bro brought something home from preschool. so chilly spends most of monday with his head in a bucket, but poor harry, who has been looking forward to halloween for months, missed out on the whole thing. he was fine all morning. a little less active after lunch, and about 4:30pm, with trick-or-treating in sight, he starts chucking.

lest we forget the baby, who while not technically hurling, is so congested that mom and dad got very little sleep for three nights in a row. last night being the best, when meemer and i both had it! lets just say that i lost 9 pounds yesterday. yeah, it was bad.

anyway, to lighten up the post a bit, here are our jack-o-lanterns:


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